How To Prevent Unwanted Code From Ending Up In Your Commits

Josh Farrant
2 min readDec 15, 2016
An example of left-over debug code in a commit

Checking the diff of the code that you’re about to commit is a good habit to get into, and it’s something I try do before committing any changes to the project I’m working on.

Inevitably, however, debug code does slip through the cracks. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve committed and pushed code, only to then spot a rogue IT WORKS! or myVar: 7 popping up in the console. It then takes a second commit to remove the code with some message along the lines of Removed debug code.

This was starting to bother me, so I decided to take action and write a simple pre-commit hook to catch any code that shouldn’t be committed.

#!/bin/shfor FILE in `git diff-index — cached — name-status HEAD — | cut -c3-` ; do
# Check if the file contains ‘XXX’
if grep -q ‘XXX’ $FILE; then
echo ‘Commit failed:’ $FILE ‘contains XXX’
exit 1

This code should be added to the .git/hooks directory of your git project and named precommit.

The code above will be triggered every time you try to commit. Before the commit is initiated, it will look through a diff of your changes for the string XXX and, if it finds it, will cause the commit to fail with an appropriate error.



Josh Farrant

Full stack JavaScript developer based in Birmingham, UK. 👨🏻‍💻🧞‍👨🏻‍✈️⛷